Spring Fever: A Four Seasons Novel Read online

Page 9

  So, like me last night. I didn’t dare say it. I’d decided to pretend it didn’t happen. I was becoming well-versed in practical amnesia.

  I pushed myself onto the counter to watch him. He flipped a pepper onto a cutting board and expertly sliced it up, removing all the seeds. Even the slight chopping movements were enough to tense the long, sinuous muscles in his arms. He kept his chocolate brown eyes on the food, but I knew they’d be looking at me later, stripping me down and watching me writhe beneath him.

  I blew out and tried to get my mind off of getting him into bed. Being around him was like an aphrodisiac. I couldn’t seem to help myself. It was the time limit, I was sure of it. We had so little time together before it was back to normal life.

  Only a few more days. The thought sat like a lump in my stomach, and try as I might, I couldn’t pretend it didn’t leave an ache in my chest.

  I ignored it, and wagged a finger at Roman.

  “We’ll never eat if you distract me,” he said, but even as he did, he turned toward me. Pushing my thighs apart he leaned against the counter and grabbed my hips, pulling my ass to the edge so that my crotch was pressed against the buckle of his pants.

  “How about some tapas? Just a quick taste,” I breathed. I needed to feel his hands on me. It was the only way to erase the sudden panic I felt about leaving us behind in Mexico.

  “You’re a bad girl,” he said, his lip curving mischievously as his hands slid up my bare legs and under my sundress.

  “So bad,” I murmured as my mouth found his. His stubble scratched along my chin as he forced open my mouth, his tongue plunging inside and withdrawing immediately. I moaned as he bit down on my lower lip and sucked it gently between his teeth. I wasn’t hungry anymore. Not for anything but him. My legs widened and his erection pressed against my panties, my hips circling against him in encouragement. We only had a few days left which meant we needed to make the most out of every moment, starting with this one. Roman’s hand crept further up my dress, settling between my thighs and pushing aside the thin fabric covering me. His thumb found my clit and he pressed against it, causing my back to arch. I clamped my mouth shut, refusing to get too loud in the kitchen.

  “It’s like a fun button,” he whispered, his lips dropping kisses along my neck.

  “That’s exactly what it is.” Relinquishing my thighs’ control of his waist, I propped my feet on the counter and raised an eyebrow. “Let’s see what happens if you keep pressing it.”

  Roman dropped down and ran his tongue along my thigh, while his fingers massaged me. My desire ignited into a frenzy, building slowly as he worked my clit with slow, deep strokes before he slid a finger inside me. My body was in flames, desperate for him.

  “I want you,” I groaned, barely able to produce words.

  He pulled away from me and unzipped his jeans. Then he hesitated. “Mi bella, we can’t. I don’t have”—

  “Don’t care.” I could only think about him—wanting him. Losing him. No. Needing him. My hands tangled in his hair, pulling him roughly to me and crushing my mouth to his. There were no more arguments from him. He grabbed my hips and angled my ass to meet his thrusts as our lips stayed greedily pressed together.

  He stroked in and out as my body burned for him.

  I was on fire for him.

  And he realized the same thing about the same time. We were both on fire—literally.

  “Holy shit!” I screamed as he threw me over his shoulder and bounded down the hall. Down there felt like I’d doused it in gasoline and lit a match. Judging from Roman’s mad dash to the bathroom, he had an inferno of his own to extinguish.

  “What…the…” My words came out in pants as he started the shower.

  “Jalapeños,” he said through gritted teeth. “My hands…”

  The situation crystallized instantly. He’d been chopping hot peppers right before he paused for an innocent, carnal appetizer. That’s what I got for interrupting him while he was cooking. We jumped into the shower even though the water was cold and began peeling off clothes. Roman grabbed for the soap, washing his hands and then running it over my backside and between my legs.

  “You okay?” he asked, continuing to focus on me. I grabbed the soap and returned the favor.

  “I’m fine.” And somehow I was, even as my teeth chattered and my vag burned. It should have been the single most embarrassing moment of my life. But unlike being walked in on by Cassie—twice—right now I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. It spilled out of me and infected Roman. We washed each other, cracking up, and making bad puns under the cold water.

  “That was some hot sex,” he said.

  “You really light me up,” I added with a laugh.

  By the time the fire down below started to quell, our fingers and toes were shriveled and we were stealing quick, happy kisses. Shutting off the water, Roman peeked past the shower curtain.

  “Hold on,” he said, jumping out.

  I clutched the curtain and watched him disappear into the hall, dripping wet and stark naked. The sight of his tight ass almost made up for the spontaneous combustion. Reappearing he held out a towel.

  “Here.” He opened it and draped it around my shoulders as I stepped out. He dried me off before he wrapped his own arms around my waist and buried his face in my hair.

  In that moment it didn’t matter that half my body was raw from capsaicin burns. Time slowed down as I caught sight of the mirror, reflecting two people who were so much more together. More than a week. More than a fling. More in every way.

  For one moment, I lost myself in the possibility of us. I imagined a future that included him. Not just a relationship—an entire lifetime that stretched past college and medical school and middle age and wrinkles.

  Roman’s arms circled my waist. “Do you think you’ll be okay?”

  I couldn’t form words. The lump in my throat was too large. Instead I turned on my heels and kissed him with slow, soft lips. I didn’t have an answer for him. I’d glimpsed a destiny which was impossible. It wasn’t what he meant, but somehow it was still what he’d asked. Skin would heal. Would my heart?

  When we broke apart, Roman stared down at me, and I saw the same turmoil in his eyes.

  “I”— he started, but I kissed him before he could say something we’d both regret. Soon the spell would be broken and I would be called back to my ordinary life in Olympic Falls. We’d made an agreement, and we had to stick to it. I had just gotten out of a long-term relationship. He had his reputation to consider. We both had careers in front of us. I’d be off to med school within the year and he had his dissertation to defend. Landing an associate professor gig meant he could work on his poetry. All I cared about what becoming a doctor. He was poetry and I was practicality. Nothing about us worked.

  Roman helped me get dressed, his hands lingering on my thighs as he tugged up my panties and his fingers trailing lightly over my breasts as he helped me with my bra. Thanks to the jalapeño peppers there was no way I was letting him in my treasure trove, but he didn’t seem to mind. Instead he brushed aside my hair and kissed my neck.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t feel like eating anything hot,” I admitted. Food sounded good. Healthy. But I had a feeling the hollow pit in my stomach wouldn’t be so easy to fill.

  “Fair enough. We’ll grab a bite out. It’s safer than allowing me to cook apparently.” His hand dropped to mine and he pulled me toward the kitchen. “I just need to clean up the kitchen.”

  But the kitchen was already spotless. The counters were clean, and there was no sign of our illfated culinary foray. Aba’s gray head was bent over the sink as she dried a sink. It was the only thing out of place except for a jug of milk. She smiled up at us, and her grin only grew wider as I blushed.

  “In the future,” she said in her heavy accent, “milk is best.”

  “Best for?” Roman asked. He picked it up and stared as if it might reveal a secret.

e pointed to his pants in response. “For the burning, lover boy.”

  “I expect a full report upon my return or whenever you two horn-dogs drag your asses out of bed.” Cassie hitched a tote bag over her shoulder and blew me a kiss.

  “Do you want that in essay format?” I asked dryly. She’d made herself an appointment at the hotel spa and ordered me to spend the day having wild sex with Roman.

  “I’d prefer Power Point with lots of pictures. Thank you for asking.” She dashed out the door before I could kick her. I had to give it to her. She didn’t seem to mind that I’d hooked up with someone on our girls trip. In fact, she was encouraging it. It made my day date with Roman less stressful.

  I’d perfectly scheduled Cassie’s departure and Roman’s arrival, so that the two wouldn’t cross paths. After a quick check in the mirror, in which I took my hair down and put it back up three times, I heard a knock on the door. I tossed the hair tie on the sink. I was already throwing caution to the wind. Who cared about my hair?

  He was standing on the patio holding a single red rose, and I took it shyly. How could he make me act like a wanton sex kitten one minute and a school girl the next? Roman Markson was a mystery I was all too eager to investigate.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “What is it?” I asked, breathing in the scent of the flower.

  “Get your swim suit on. I’ll wait.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, a crooked grin carving across his face. The sight of him, his linen shirt hanging open over a perfect slab of golden abs and a sexy smile on his face, caused temporary amnesia. I was pulling on the itsy-bitsy red bikini bottoms Cassie had loaned me before I remembered that I didn’t swim. What was next? I would forget how to eat? I couldn’t be trusted around him. His mere presence screwed with my brain.

  I decided to put on the swimsuit and lodge a formal protest before we got anywhere near water. But when I walked onto the patio in the scraps of cloth Cassie called swimwear, Roman’s jaw tensed. His gaze swept down my body, lingering so long I could almost feel it. He appreciated what he saw and he didn’t bother to hide it.

  “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he said with a sincerity that made me bite my lip in embarrassment. I didn’t doubt that he meant it. I just didn’t see it myself.

  It took all my willpower to remember that I had a bone to pick with him. “I put this on, but you know I don’t swim.”

  “I thought we could change that.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the beach. The water lapping against the shore beat a warning rhythm that sent my heart racing. Before we got anywhere near it, I pulled free.

  “I don’t think you understand. I don’t swim. I barely do baths.”

  “I’m an excellent swimmer. You’ll be safe with me.” He shrugged off his shirt and let it fall on the sand. It was dirty pool. How was I supposed to stick to my guns with him walking around like a sun-bronzed god? Just the sight of his bare skin had me practically twitching with anticipation. He took a few steps back until his feet were in the surf and crooked a finger at me.

  “Uh-uh.” My body fought me on this answer, trying to move close enough to touch him. Warning bells rang in my head. “You know there are sharks in the ocean.”

  “I’m not taking you out that far,” he promised me.

  I took a few steps nearer, jumping back when the first water hit my toes.

  “That’s a start.” He started toward me and I held up a warning hand. “I’m not going to force you, Jessica. I just thought it might be easier if I was closer.”

  It would be more distracting, and I would feel safer. I nodded to let him know he could continue. When he reached me, I took his hand tentatively. He backed up, allowing me to come at my own speed. It was like being taught how to walk. When I was ankle deep, the tide crested high, hitting my knees and I shrieked.

  “You’re fine. I’ve got you.” Roman’s arms circled my waist. He didn’t try to coax me any further out. Instead, he gazed down at me. “Are you scared?”

  “A little,” I admitted in a small voice.

  “What would help?”

  “Kiss me,” I said without hesitation. He obliged, bringing his lips to mine. Our mouths locked together and our bodies followed suit, molding to one another, as the kiss deepened. It lasted minutes or hours. I lost myself in him, so much so that when he finally pulled away I realized my feet were no longer touching the bottom. I gripped his neck tightly. “Don’t let go!”

  “Never. I’m sorry. We just sort of floated out.” He tightened his hold on me. “Do you want to go back?”

  I thought about it before I shook my head no. I’d made it this far. “Does this count as swimming?”

  “Sorta.” It wasn’t a convincing answer. “It’s a first step.”

  “Do I get a reward? You know for trying it.” I conveniently forgot that we’d wound up this deep in the water by accident.

  “Gold star?”

  “I had something else in mind. Unless you want to continue our lessons,” I said with a coy smirk. Judging from the interested party in his pants, I knew what he’d choose.

  “That’s enough swimming for today. Here.” He helped me on to his back, which proved difficult since none of my limbs wanted to loosen their death grip on him. Once we’d managed it, he treaded water until we reached the shallows. Feeling a little silly now that we were so close to dry land, I wiggled free, determined to walk the rest of the way. But as soon as my feet hit the ground, he swept me into his arms. I didn’t resist as he carried me out of the water and into bed.

  There was sand in my bed, and I didn’t care. We’d managed to pry our naked bodies apart long enough to have dinner with Cassie. She’d excused herself with a lame excuse as soon as we’d finished. Maybe she was as aware that our vacation was coming to an end as much as I was. Why would I care about sand when I had that to worry about?

  Roman rolled over and burrowed down until his head was resting on my abdomen. “My grandmother wants to cook for you tomorrow night.”

  “She does?” I was a little surprised. Hanging out with Cassie had felt like the polite thing to do when she interrupted us to see if we were hungry. It was poor form to keep having sex while others were eating. But dinner with Roman’s grandmother was another story.

  “I told her you were leaving soon, and she wanted to see you off.” A bitter edge coated his words. Maybe I wasn’t the only one dreading my imminent departure. I was probably reading too much into it. He took my hesitation as a no. “You don’t have to. We could hang out. Or you could spend the night with Cassie.”

  “No, I want to…have dinner.” I’d almost said be with you, but I’d managed to stop myself. A farewell dinner was a reminder that our little affair was coming to an end. I didn’t want him to worry that I would try to drag things out when we returned to Washington. No matter how much I might want that.

  “I promise there will be no jalapeños.” He kissed my belly button and began to work his way up until he had me pinned to the bed.

  “That’s a shame. I’d love to come.” I smiled, distracted from the looming deadline. He laughed and kissed me before pushing himself up enough that I wasn’t at risk of suffocating under his rock hard body.

  “Did I ever tell you that I had a crush on you?”

  “While I was in your class?” I feigned shock. “Scandalous, Professor Markson.”

  “I couldn’t help it. You had no reason to take it seriously, but you showed up, prepared every day. It was incredibly sexy.”

  “Actually, I had two really good reasons to care,” I informed him matter-of-factly.

  “You did, huh?” He brought his face down, brushing his lips along my jawline.

  “Yes.” It took effort to remember what those reasons were with him kissing me like that. “I want to be able to communicate with my patients when I’m a doctor.”

  “That is a very responsible reason.” He’d found my earlobe and tugged it into between his teeth. My breath hitched at t
he tingle the nip produced. “And the other?”

  “I was hot for teacher,” I breathed.

  “What a coincidence. Are you saying that whole time that I wanted you, you wanted me?”

  “Mmhmm,” I moaned. It felt good to admit it—wicked and dirty and careless. “It’s a good thing you never told me you liked me.”

  “Why’s that, Jessica?” His breath was warm in my ear, making my skin tingle, as our bodies began to move of their own accord. He settled between my legs, his narrow hips rocking against me until I gasped.

  “Because it would have been wrong.” I forced the words out as pressure mounted in my core.

  “Is this wrong?” He rolled his groin, moving deeper, and stealing my breath. I couldn’t answer him. There weren’t words. When we were apart, my brain told me it was against the rules. But when I was with him that didn’t seem to matter. At the moment, I could have cared less.

  My heels dug into his back answering his question and he took the hint. When we collapsed against the pillows a few minutes later, I still hadn’t caught my breath. Roman’s arm snaked under my shoulders and drew me closer to him.

  “Tell me another secret,” I whispered.

  There was a pause before he pressed a kiss to my forehead and answered, “I never want this night to end.”

  Chapter 15

  Under the twinkling strands of light hung over Aba’s porch, I was completely relaxed. I took a long sip of the white wine she had given me. I’d been reprimanded for offering to help with dinner. Tonight I was the honored guest at my farewell supper. Even though my contentment at being here with Roman was more consuming than ever, it had begun to unravel, replaced by a tension that knotted my stomach. It was day six, and I couldn’t ignore the mental calendar block. In a few hours I would be checking it off. I felt cheated. Weeks were seven days long, but tomorrow I would board a plane back to the soggy, gray reality of Washington. Here in Mexico everything felt possible, but I knew that sense of possibility would dissipate the moment I stepped on the plane. How was I supposed to erase the memories of days spent on the beach with him and nights spent in bed, whispering, kissing, and laughing?